Compassion Reaches Out to Children On Air

Feb 27, 2004 09:44 AM EST

A Christian organization is using the media power as a tool to draw attention from the public to help the children in need.

Compassion International, one of the largest Christian child development organizations, has gained much success in getting people involved in sponsoring children in need through daylong on-air events with the help of the Moody Broadcasting Network, a Christian broadcasting network that serves the Christian community on-air.

Moody stations across the nation all participated in the campaign. Chicago station led the way by receiving 1,900 responses alone saying ‘yes’ to helping children around the world.

Moody is planning to continue on the event in Florida next month providing listeners an opportunity to help children as it has so far received more than 3,700 responses showing interest in helping poor children around the world.

"More than 3,700 additional children across the world now have newfound hope and relationships," said Bob Neff, Moody's vice president of broadcasting. "What a thrill it is to see how our listeners are responding to the needs of these precious little ones, one child at a time!"

Compassion Radio Marketing Manager Mark Hollingsworth praised the event looking at how it benefited both the sponsor and children.

"Children in poverty benefit by hearing about Jesus and having their physical needs met through Compassion services," Hollingsworth said. "And these new sponsors also benefit by receiving the joy of giving, as well a chance to give a child in need hope and a future."