Despite E3 2017 No Show, 'The Last of Us 2' Will Likely Release in Late 2018

Jun 17, 2017 08:20 AM EDT

Many fans were disappointed when Naughty Dog's The Last of Us did not appear in the recently concluded E3 2017. The game is considered as one of the best titles in the past few years in terms of storytelling and gameplay. Now, talks about its 2018 release is picking up.

During 2016 PlayStation Experience, Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Shawn Layden clearly said the game is still in the early stages of development. Layden's statement seems plausible since it takes 2-3 years before a developer finished AAA game. 2018 launching may be a long wait for some gamers, but that timeline gives the developers ample amount of time finish the game.

On Twitter, Naughty Dog Creative Director Neil Druckmann explained about the sequel's absence in E3 2017. He said the development team is excited to give more details about Ellie and Joel's fate, but right now, their priority is the new "Uncharted: The Lost Legacy," which releases on Aug. 22.

The last update that we've got for The Last of Us Part II came from Naughty Dog President Evan Well. In an interview with Game Informer last month, he said that the game is ''going to be amazing'' and the team is working hard to meet gamer's expectations.

The reveal trailer for the game was released in December 2016. Since then, gamers are curiously looking for more clues about the sequel from the trailer and other gaming websites. As a proof of the game's popularity, the 4-minute trailer has amassed more than 5 million views now.

There are two leading theories about what the future has in store for original protagonist Joel and new protagonist Ellie. First, there are speculations that Ellie is pregnant. In the trailer, she is playing guitar and singing. Some gamers believe that the guitar is hiding her baby bump. Naughty says she the playable character in the sequel, so it's interesting to know how her story will unfold.

The second theory is Joel is already dead in the sequel. In the trailer, he appears out of bright light, and his facial features are the same while Ellie is already matured. Several gamers say "Joel is Dead" theory is good in order for Ellie's character to be emphasized in the next chapter.

For now, we only speculate about the storyline of Last of Us 2. We may hear more details about the game to keep the hype train going.