Reporter : By Dr. Reginald B. Cherry, M.D
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    Resolve to Have a Healthy New Year

    The start of a new year is the perfect time to renew your commitment to better health. Here are the most valuable steps you can resolve to take to put yourself on the pathway to healing in 2011.
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    Where to Keep and Not to Keep Your Supplements

    If you are like most people, you keep your supplements either in the bathroom (in the medicine cabinet or on the counter) or in the kitchen (next to/above the sink or stove). But those are actually the worst places if you want to preserve the maximum effectiveness of the nutrients.
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    Combating the Leading Cause of Blindness

    Because those 65+ represent an increasingly larger percentage of the general population, vision loss from macular degeneration is a growing problem. In fact, worldwide, approximately 25 to 30 million people are affected by AMD (a number that is expected to triple by 2025), but awareness of the condition is actually low.
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    Don't Pass the Salt – CUT the Salt!

    With all the talk this past year about healthcare reform and its costs, there is one simple dietary step that could reduce healthcare costs by up to $18 billion and prevent 100,000 deaths per year: Cutting back our salt intake.
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    Foods that Raise, Lower Diabetes Risk

    What foods do Harvard Medical School, the American Diabetes Association and Dr. Cherry recommend to lower your diabetes risk? What foods do they say to avoid?
  • Fight Inflammation, Fight Pain

    Muscle and joint pain, whether from physical overexertion or a chronic condition, is often caused by inflammation. Fortunately, you can fight back.
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    Simple Steps to Save Your Sight

    Surveys indicate that of all the senses, people cherish their vision the most. Here are a few simple steps you can take if you are concerned about maintaining your vision and protecting your eyes.
  • Do Something Simple to Lose Weight

    Two natural compounds proven to stop food cravings and burn more calories offer the first step toward a successful weight-loss program.