Tag : Christmas Trees
Christmas trees title : Why You Should Recycle Your Christmas Trees; Recycling and Disposal Options
summary : Rather than kicking natural Christmas trees to curbs for city solid waste pickup, more Americans are donating holiday trees to organizations whose employees and volunteers can repurpose them for wildlife, fish or recreational environments. For example, Missouri Department of Conservation representatives have collected natural Christmas trees for more than 25 years to recycle as fish habitats in local lakes. Other trees nationwide are going toward soil erosion barriers, bird sanctuaries and walking trails.
date : Dec 28, 2015 12:56 PM EST
title : #MyTreedom Campaign Combats Christian Persecution With Christmas Tree Photos
summary : A newly-launched Facebook campaign called My Treedom celebrates freedom from religious persecution and the right to observe Christmas around the world by posting daily photographs of Christmas trees and holiday decorations from some of the hardest places to live and practice as a Christian.
date : Dec 15, 2015 11:26 AM EST