Tag : Easter 2016
cross title : When Is Easter 2016? Meaning, Bible Verses, and Easter Egg Hunt
summary : This year Easter Sunday falls on March 27, 2015. It is a time for the celebration Jesus Christ's resurrection and time think about the new life in Heaven with Him. The resurrection of Christ proves his final his victory against sin and death.
date : Mar 10, 2016 01:22 PM EST
Preparing for Easter 2016 title : Easter 2016: How Christians Observe Lent in Preparation for Christ’s Death and Resurrection
summary : After getting marked with ash this Ash Wednesday, Christians have begun to prepare for Easter Sunday to be celebrated on March 27. As we enter the season of Lent, it is expected that believers will carry out actions and behaviors in a penitential manner by fasting, or abstinence, such as giving up certain habits.
date : Feb 12, 2016 01:23 PM EST
Ash Wednesday title : When Is Easter 2016? Ash Wednesday Marks Start of Lent - 40 Days Until Christ's Death and Resurrection
summary : As the Lenten season begins this Wednesday, Feb. 10, Christians all over the world aim to emulate the actions of Jesus Christ and make the necessary preparations for celebrating Easter within these 40 days of atonement, prayer and fasting.
date : Feb 09, 2016 08:54 PM EST