Tag : food preparation
title : Testifying to God's Goodness in Creating Organ Meats: An Account of Personal Praise and Humor
summary : Weston A. Price, founded by Nourishing Traditions author Sally Fallon, deems liver an "unidentified anti-fatigue factor" which "makes it a favorite with athletes and bodybuilders." Remarking on the ravishing deficiency of B12 among our country's populace, Price establishes liver as a "cure for anemia."
date : Nov 07, 2016 08:15 PM EST
Thanksgiving Cooking Tips for Turkey title : Thanksgiving 2014: Turkey Dinner Preparation, Cooking, Carving And Safety tips
summary : Most American households serve turkey as the signature entree during the Thanksgiving holiday. Here is how to prepare, serve and store the bird properly for the special day.
date : Nov 26, 2014 06:32 PM EST