Reporter : By: Charles Stanley
  • The Landmine of Fear

    Fear has been a part of our emotional makeup since the fall of man. When Adam and Eve rebelled against the Lord, they hid themselves from Him and were afraid as recorded in Genesis 3:10.
  • Developing Patience

    On any given day, we may encounter frustrating people and situations, such as the slow driver, mischievous child, or uncooperative co-worker. We may feel like lashing out, but God wants us to stay calm and be patient with everyone (1 Thess. 5:14).
  • A Hunger for God

    The Lord has given us a variety of appetites, which are essential for our physical survival. But He has also created within our hearts a hunger that is spiritual. David was a man who recognized and felt this yearning for the Lord. Throughout the Psalms, we find him meditating, offering praise, or crying out to God. His greatest joy was to be with his heavenly Father in intimate communion.
  • The Centrality of the Cross

    In Jesus’ day, the cross was used by the Roman government to execute criminals. God transformed it into a symbol that unites Christians everywhere. It stands at the heart of what we believe and serves as a central focus of the gospel message.
  • A Thirst for God

    A personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ has the potential to be more intimately satisfying than any earthly connection.
  • A Balanced Schedule

    The Lord wants us to reach our full potential-to become the people He’s designed us to be and achieve the tasks He’s planned for us to do. In our pressurized society, we need to have balanced schedules if we’re going to live according to God’s purposes.
  • The Impact of Prayer

    Prayer is the lifeblood of an intimate relationship with the Father. But believers often have questions about its power and effectiveness. Don’t hesitate to take your queries to the Lord, dig into Scripture for answers, and seek the counsel of a trusted spiritual mentor. Prayer is too important to neglect.
  • The Call for a Believer

    Years ago, God temporarily allowed me to have such physical ailments that I could do nothing but lie in bed. At first, this felt frustrating, but eventually I began to realize His plan for this trial. Life had become too busy for me to hear something the Lord needed to tell me. He certainly managed to get my attention by stilling my physical body!
  • The Influence of Our Convictions

    Although our circles of influence vary in size, we all have the power to affect others-either for good or bad. Whether at home, in the church, or in the world, our lives are on display. Many times we aren’t even aware of who is impacted by our words, attitudes, and actions.
  • The Ultimate Giver

    Amid all the preparations, decorations, and celebrations of the Christmas season, we need to set aside some quiet time to reflect upon the divine gifts that forever changed the course of human destiny. When that tiny baby entered our world in Bethlehem, the first of a never-ending stream of blessings was unleashed from heaven.
  • Confidence in the Midst of Distress

    Oftentimes, we use the word “stress” to describe the pressure we are feeling. It can come from something as simple as traffic or from more complex situations or underlying issues, such as insecurity. Stress becomes distress when it creates deep emotional and mental anxiety. Unfortunately, in today’s world, living with a fairly constant level of such tension is not unusual.
  • Forgiving an Abuser

    When I tell abuse victims that full healing requires forgiving their abuser, many will argue. Their message is generally the same: “You don’t understand the hurt I’ve endured.” They’re right. But I do know that a bitter spirit penetrates every part of our life like a cancer. Anger and resentment are symptoms that cannot be pushed away and ignored. They spill out, harming relationships and leading to risky decisions.
  • One Big Request

    Yesterday we looked at God’s promise in John 14:14. Too often people take the verse to imply, “If you ask anything, I will do it.” They overlook the most essential phrase: “in My name.”
  • The Burden of False Guilt

    Guilt is an emotional response to wrongdoing. We experience it when we break man’s civil law or God’s commandments. But what about those times when no law was broken, and yet we feel as if we did something wrong? That is false guilt, an unnecessary and often crippling emotion.
  • Staying in the Light

    John used the metaphor of darkness and light to describe a life of sin versus a life in Christ (1 John 1:7). God is pure and perfect light (v. 5) shining through an obedient person. However, when we invite darkness—sin—into our life, there is immediate conflict. Darkness and light cannot mix.
  • The Blessings of Inadequacy

    Life is filled with struggles that reveal human inadequacy. Physical problems leave us weak and unable to cope, relational troubles bring confusion and stress, continual battles with bad habits and addictions make us feel defeated, and financial or job demands damage our self-worth.
  • Getting Your Life Back on Course

    Hebrews 12:1-3 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
  • Eternal Life

    Each of us faces the same dilemma. We have a sin debt that we owe to God but no way to pay for it. None of our solutions—living a moral life, being religious, or doing more good deeds—can take care of our problem.
  • God's Promise in Context

    Yesterday we noted that believers must consider the whole counsel of God to understand His promises. For example, the Lord’s commitment to supply our needs isn’t an isolated pledge without connection to other parts of scripture.
  • God's Love Comfort Us

    Our heavenly Father wants us to know how much He loves and cares for us. He has made this clear through . . .
  • The Greatness of God

    When you think of God, what comes to mind? Often, people view Him in the way that best fits their particular need or situation. For example, a person who struggles with guilt might focus on the Lord’s forgiveness or holiness. And someone with a thirst for justice might dwell on the Almighty’s righteousness.
  • God's Amazing Promise

    Anxiety is reaching epidemic proportions in our culture. As believers, however, we are commanded not to worry (v. 22). Instead, we’re to rely on a conditional promise from our heavenly Father: If we will seek His kingdom, all our needs will be provided (v. 31).
  • Heaven - Our Eternal Home

    Jesus warned the disciples that He was going away. However, the Lord also promised to return and take them to a home He had prepared (John 14:3). This verse confirms that heaven is a real place. According to the Bible, Christians have a citizenship in paradise (Phil. 3:20), our treasure is stored there (Matt. 6:20), and it will be our eternal home (1 Thess. 4:17). God is not describing a celestial dream world. Rather, all believers will be gathered to a tangible dwelling place.
  • The Cross: Grace Displayed

    At Calvary, the Lord displayed His grace for the entire world to see. The cross represents the intersection of His holiness and His love. From there, He poured out mercy on an undeserving population: all of humanity, including you and me.
  • Praise in Trouble Times

    Faced with his nation’s certain demise, King Jehoshaphat responded with worship. Read his prayer in today’s passage, and you may find it difficult to separate the petition from the praise. Going deeper than familiar expressions like “hallelujah” and “praise the Lord,” his prayer celebrates God’s personhood and extols His virtues.
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