Reporter : By Michael Wilcock
  • The Reward of Faith: Who Gives It?

    A second reading of these verses tells us more about how faith is rewarded. We know what Ruth's conversation with Boaz says about her. She is a woman of faith: that is why she will be richly rewarded.
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    Someone to Blame

    In her bitterness Naomi turns against God because it seems he has turned against her: "The Lord's hand has gone out against me." What do these words tell us?
  • We Three King

    Like Naaman in the last of our Old Testament readings, the Wise Men were outsiders, drawn to God's land and God's people by the news of something worth finding there. Even more were they like the queen of Sheba, coming "from the ends of the earth" to find it, or rather him, God's own chosen King. And as in her case, the Bible (which does not say that they were three or that they were kings) also does not say what their names were.