Promise Keepers’ “Uprising” Event Is Attracting Thousands of People

Promise Keepers’ “Uprising: The Revolution of a Man’s Soul” conferences are attracting thousands of adults and youngster
Aug 06, 2004 06:03 PM EDT

Promise Keepers’ “Uprising: The Revolution of a Man’s Soul” conferences are attracting thousands of men across the country. About 14,600 sold out tickets were reported for the event this weekend in Atlanta, Georgia, August 6-7.

Do you wonder why the event has become so popular? A part of introduction on Promise Keepers’ website says “Find your true purpose and destiny in the pursuit of the passion and character of God. Be a part of a revolution that changes a life of imitation and mediocrity into one of passion and character...a radical revolt that will forever change the world”

“Uprising” event is expected to be intense and might generate an atmosphere of extreme feeling for the audience. “The event is a revolution of the soul that will transform an ordinary life into an extraordinary one. It is only for those who are ready to join an uprising, it is only for those who want something more out of life”, explained on Promise Keepers’ website.

Among special guests of the event are David Arcos and Joby Harris, members of Awaken.

David is known for his unique designs in performing arts and other creative artistic experiences which illustrate the truth of Bible Scriptures. Meanwhile, Joby is a designer and prop maker for the film, television, and theme park industries in Los Angeles.

The event is accompanied by drama sketches, videos, and many awesome spiritual teachings. It is an incredible source of encouragement and motivation for faith seekers.

The next event will be in Orlando, Aug 13-14. Prices for tickets are $79 for adults and $59 for youngsters.