Interview: Author of 2004 Promise Keepers' Theme "Uprising"

Oct 12, 2004 05:16 PM EDT

Erwin McManus, whose book “Uprising: A Revolution of the Soul” is the foundation for this year’s "Uprising" Promise Keepers' conferences, was one of the keynote speakers during the two-day Promise Keepers event in San Jose, CA on Oct 8-9. Following his sensational speech to the 9,600-plus crowd, McManus took some time to answer questions about his goals, visions and future plans.

As author of “Uprising: the Revolution of a Man’s Soul”, can you elaborate on how you came up with the theme “Uprising”? What do you mean by “uprising”?

It’s a part of my 25 years of experience working with people struggling in life. It comes to the point when you realize that there is a need of change. “Uprising” is for those who are hungry for lasting spiritual change how to unleash God’s character in their lives. The essence of the book is the process and the quest of nobility, a dramatic radical change. Often we talk about God’s ability to change lives without fully understanding how to access that power. “Uprising” demonstrates the passion that lies ahead when we undertake the journey that leads us to the true source, and be radically transformed. It is about helping people to declare Jesus as the Lord allowing them to change.

What are some of the causes leading to the decline of church attendants nowadays?

Well, when people look at Christianity, they must not think of it as a religion. As for Buddhists, they need to see the real problem and solve it. For Christians, they need to access the power of Jesus and not look at Christianity as a religion. It is our Lord Jesus that makes you change and Christians need to actualize it and put it into practice.

Can you tell us about your other work “An Unstoppable Force”?

The book is translated into many languages such as Korean, German, Spanish…ect. An unstoppable force created to change the world. It is about a Biblical culture movement that transforms the church making it active and engaged with its community rather than a church itself.

How did you get involved in 2004 Promise Keepers?

They came and asked me if they could use my book for the conferences. Many church attendants come to church and have little change afterwards. Promise Keepers was looking for a movement that can actualize the hope of Jesus, the hope that we see. And “Uprising” was what they were looking for.

Will you be back for 2005 PK?

No, I want to go oversea and do more work. In addition, my son will be in school and I will spend sometimes with family.

Do you have any final comments?

We need to focus on the general question which is “who will hear about Jesus?” There are many people who do not give Him proper respects or considerations. We need to understand that Christianity is about changing, it is not about a religion.

Erwin McManus is the lead pastor of Mosaic, a diverse congregation in Los Angeles. He is a national and international speaker on issues of church growth, organizational change, leadership, postmodern culture, urban and global issues, serving as a distinguished lecturer and futurist at Bethel Seminary; he and his wife Kim have two children.