Presbyterian Church Celebrates Taiwan Mission 140 Anniversary

“Daily Prayer” Twelve Books
Jan 03, 2005 12:47 PM EST

For the 140 Anniversary Celebration of Taiwan Missions, Taiwan Christian Presbyterian Church is planning to publish twelve books “Daily Prayer”, which is separated into twelve categories: Christian Life, Sincere Prayer, Spiritual Life Renewal, Spreading the Gospel, Family, Church, Spiritual Battle, Trouble, Different Services, Society, Thanksgiving Prayer. The contents include: Sermon, Scripture, Prayer Phrase, blank pages for note-taking.

The first three books of ‘Daily Prayer’ will be given out for free. Its purpose is for all to receive the renewal and change that prayers bring, and to bring together various churches, believers, pastors to come together in the prayer movement of deepening prayer, enriching spiritual life, and participating in the preaching of the kingdom of God.