Largest Men's Outreach of the Decade Expands to Reach Women

Feb 25, 2003 07:11 PM EST

Orlando, FL - This Mother's Day hundreds of thousands of women will be given a gift that will not wilt. This May, these women will be given a life changing book through a new outreach from Man in the Mirror.

This outreach is patterned after the extremely successful program entitled Project Father's Day that features the books of best-selling author, Patrick Morley. Project Father's Day has distributed almost 3 million books in the last three years. In the Project Father's Day program, churches and individuals across the country have distributed cases of books to men in their communities and now those same churches and individuals can impact the lives of wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters with three powerful books.

The three books that the Man in the Mirror organization is making available for women this year are "Understanding Your Man in the Mirror" by Patrick Morley, "Loving God" by Charles Colson and "Extravagant Grace" from the Women of Faith series (featuring devotions by Patsy Clairmont, Barbara Johnson, Luci Swindoll and more).

Through The Mother's Day Book Give Away, Man in the Mirror offers these books at a cost that is less than a cup of coffee. The objective is to reach as many people as possible with information that provides spiritual insight and patterns for successful Christian living.

Patrick Morley's books for men are designed to disciple men and have been used in men's groups and bible studies for years. In Lisa Beamer's best-seller "Let's Roll!" she refers to "Seven Seasons of the Man in the Mirror" by Patrick Morley as "the last book Todd would ever work through with the breakfast group, and it may have been the most important." Also, Patrick Morley's book "The Man in the Mirror" was listed in "100 Christian Books that Changed the Century."

Man in the Mirror, is an organization fulfilling a mandate to present every man a credible offer of Christ and with the resources to grow. This new outreach is directed to the hands that rock the cradle in our churches across the land with a powerful message of hope.

By Albert H. Lee