Traditional Marriage Advocates Voice Consequences of Gay Marriage

Mar 13, 2004 02:46 PM EST

While gay marriage opponents are fighting against the arguments of the gay marriage proponents, author of Porn in America, is approaching homosexual marriage issue in a slightly different way.

Lambert addressed the question in his commentary: “What would America be like if gay marriages were validated?” Three prominent California advocates for traditional marriage voiced their opinions on this topic.

Paul McGuire, a conservative radio talk-show host for Crawford Broadcasting Corp., believes that if gay marriage is adopted, "5,000 years of civilization will be affected." He realistically predicts that there will not only be a social chaos from such a trend, but legal validation will also result in "a moral anarchy" in our social climate.

He said that many citizens who support gay marriage "have not thought things through to the logical conclusion." He sees a society "where there is no need to have any committed relationships" and where homosexual activists will "corrupt heterosexual [marriage] in an effort to make homosexual relationships legitimate."

McGuire also noted that gay marriage would bring psychological chaos to society as it confuses citizens by changing social order that has been the cornderstone for every major civilization since the beginning of man.

McGuire referred to the findings of sociologists in Europe, which showed that parents in Scandinavian countries where homosexual marriage is legalized while heterosexual marriage being de-emphasized in the early 1990s, became less committed to their partners and to their children.

McGuire as he refers to it as “sexual anarchy,” he said he sees "a society where the state raises the children ... [and marriage is replaced] by a series of sexual relationships."

Randy Thomasson, the executive director for Campaign for California Families, one of the few political action groups that is legally resisting gay marriage in Sacramento, was in concern of children, saying if homosexual marriage is validated, Thomasson sees a future "where children as young as kindergarten are taught that two men in bed is normal."

He also noted future influx of filing lawsuits against one another, especially against churches and pastors if they refuse to marry gay couples. Thompson said he can see a future where churches "will lose their religious freedom ... and their tax-free status" due to their refusal.

Gary Cass, pastor of West Hills Christian Fellowship in El Cajon, California, and a trustee of the Grossmont School District. Cass, said he is convinced gay marriage will trivialize traditional marriage and will undermine society as a result. "As we have already seen in Europe, people are now embarrassed to be called married," Case said. He added, without God, "there is no objective moral standards that are above the feelings of law makers."

Already America is expecting other fallouts once gay marriage is legalized. Lambert noted that polygamists groups in Utah are taking legal action to validate those types of marriages.

Lambert wrote, “Once an institution that has survived thousands of years of civilization has been broken, every type of lifestyle will seek to be confirmed no matter how bizarre its consequences.“

Lambert encouraged people to stand up for the protection of traditional marriage which would preserve our society and the good future of our children. He wrote: “If we don’t, society as we know it may no longer exist. What type of legacy ... what type of future does this leave for the children we love?”