Disaster Calls for Cease-Fire in Indonesia Aceh

Indonesian government and Aceh separatist uniting to fight and provide for the Aceh brothers and sisters through disaster relief work, which is an unprecedented event that shows hopes of peace.
Jan 04, 2005 02:27 AM EST

Since Indian Ocean Tsunami occurred, it has already been a week, and the death toll hasn’t stopped rising. In regions, where the tsunami hit the hardest, Indonesia (Aceh), Indonesia government (Banda) has setup rescue centers (Aceh), Australian Military carrier and Indonesia’s military aircraft continuously bring the supply to the disaster area. United States military also uses helicopters to drop food, water, and medical supplies to disaster areas (Aceh and Sri Lanka).

Before the Indonesia faced this hardship, the Indonesian government and the regional Aceh separatist fundamentalist fought one another in the unceasing conflict. A report said that the posture presented by the separatist fundamentalist and the government after the earthquake and tsunami disaster, once again provided the unstable region a string of hope for conflict settlement and peace.

The area that is most affected in the northern part of Indonesia Suma Tera is Aceh. The death toll there might surpass half the total number of death from the countries that has been affected. The heartless wave might be able to break apart the tension and rivalry between Aceh Fundamentalist and the Indonesian government, which would bring peace and hope to the victimized Aceh citizens.

After the earthquake tsunami has land, Indonesian government and Aceh Freedom fundamentalist announced for its troops to cease-fire. While on the run in Sweden, the leader of the Aceh Seperatist Organziation “Aceh Freedom Movement” announced for cease fire, and said that the tsunami might finally allow peace to formulate.

Former Indonesia President Advisor Dewi Fortuna Anwar hopes that this disaster can unite the nation, and that the compassion held towards the Aceh brothers and sisters would allowed the Aceh people to acknowledge that they are a very important member of the Indonesian family.

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla also stated before that, “We were holding talks with the ‘Freedom Aceh Movement’ before this disaster occurred. We hope this tragedy can stop the conflict from persisting.”

This time the Indian Ocean Tsunami has caused tremendous damage to people, possession loss, but on the other hand allowed the internal conflict of countries such as Sri Lanka, Maldives, Thailand and Indonesia to subside. Instead of fighting with one another, everyone is cooperating and uniting to rescue the victims.

United Nation Secretary General Kofi Annan and United States Secretary of State Colin Powell hope that this incident of serious earthquake and tsunami in Aceh can bring the everlasting peace to the conflict between the Indonesian Government and Aceh region’s separatist fundamentalist organization ‘Aceh Freedom Movement’.