Faith-Based Ethic Education Center Established in Hong Kong

A "Life and Ethic Education Resource Center" was opened in Hong Kong for church co-workers, teachers and social workers.
Feb 02, 2005 10:50 PM EST

A "Life and Ethic Education Resource Center" was opened in Hong Kong. It will provide church co-workers, teachers and social workers with teaching materials, books and other information about ethic and life education.

This resource center is conducted by the Society of Truth and Light, a faith-based organization whose focus has always been on media culture and social ethic.

In the opening ceremony of the resource center, Principle Lawrence Tsang-tsay Lour, the president of the directorate of STL, gave a speech entitled "Ethic is the foundation of the education of life". He said that the school education in Hong Kong had been ignoring ethic education so far, which resulted in a improper social value and a lot of social problems.

"The foundation of value is about ethic, not only about knowledge." He said.

Several social and family tragedies in recent years, however, drew the attention of Hong Kong people to life-related issues. What's more, according to Priniple Lour, the ongoing reformation in Hong Kong education system also provided large space for the life and ethic education to develop.

The resource center will not only provide materials and information for the public, but also welcome group visitors and offer lectures and workshops on different aspects of life and ethic education.

As soon as established, the ceter is going to hold a course of theology of sex in February, which will last for two months. The course is for the church leaders and co-workers to learn the way to help the youth truly understand the truth in Bible, while facing the thoughts of "sex revolution", lead them to live a life combined in faith.