Talk Away Your Blues

Apr 14, 2004 12:09 PM EDT

According to a recent survey conducted by the British Mental Health Foundation—a mental health charity—the most common ways to beat a bad day are having someone to talk to and being hugged.

75% of people chose talking

The survey found talking to another person was the top choice to lift the spirits, with 75% of people (83% of women, 68% of men) choosing this as the best. Hugging ranked second for both sexes at 57% for women and 45% for men. More than twice as many men chose sex to lighten their mood than women, who prefer spending time with family.

The survey also asked how likely people were to communicate their emotional difficulties, finding those who lived in urban settings—such as London and Birmingham—were more likely to discuss their difficulties at 83% and 84% respectively, while people from smaller towns and rural areas were least likely to communicate.

Aim was to discourage neglect of mental health

The Mental Health Foundation said the aim of the project was to discourage people from neglecting their mental well-being. While the research was somewhat light-hearted, the researchers stressed that there was a very serious message behind it.

Exercise, spending time with a pet, drinking alcohol and having sex were also popular coping mechanisms cited in the survey.

