Christian Network Helping Homosexuals Find Freedom Doubles in Size

Jan 22, 2009 08:02 AM EST

Orlando, FL- Churches in denominations troubled over homosexuality such as the Anglican and Presbyterian churches are experiencing growing concern over the issue and have turned to Exodus International for help. As a result, the world's largest Christian ministry to those seeking freedom from homosexuality has doubled in size.

For over 30 years, Exodus International has helped those affected by unwanted same-sex attraction to live a life congruent with the Christian faith. In the last six years, the organization has grown from 117 member agencies in 2003 to 234 by 2009. Half of those member agencies are churches that have recently joined the Exodus network and have committed to assist church members affected by homosexuality. The remainder of the network is comprised of professional counselors and local parachurch ministries.

Helping pastors and churches know how to address the topic of homosexuality with biblical truth and compassion is a primary goal for Exodus International. In 2008, the organization held six conferences across the nation that provided practical resources and information to hundreds of pastors.

In 2009, Exodus plans to improve upon this initiative by offering a variety of web-based resources and educational DVDs to churches across the country. In addition, a new book, written by Exodus President Alan Chambers, will help pastors and church members alike to understand practical steps towards leaving a gay-identified life and pursuing God-centered living. The book, published by Harvest House Publishers, is set to be released this summer.

"Though the world is getting spiritually darker, the future of the global Christian church has never been brighter," said Alan Chambers, President of Exodus International. "We have a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate grace and bold love to a generation longing for real, life-giving truth. We are excited about the opportunities that 2009 holds to do just that."

Exodus reaches more than 305,000 individuals with a message of hope and freedom through conference events and personal communication with those who call the organization for help each year.
