Elder Scrolls 6 Release Date, Updates, Latest News, Rumors: 2019 Release With VR Support

Sep 29, 2016 07:36 AM EDT

The Elder Scrolls 6 is definitely a game that many will look forward to, and Bethesda’s next magnum opus will certainly be a resounding success if one were to take The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim into account. However, The Elder Scrolls 6 release date has been said to be shifted all the way back to 2019. That is a mighty long time to wait for any gme.

So far, game developer Bethesda has remained tight-lipped about the release of The Elder Scrolls 6. This opens the door to rumors and possible new features which could be part of the game franchise, and it is these rumors which we will take a closer look at.

One particular rumor concerning the upcoming Elder Scrolls 6 would be the incorporation of Virtual Reality (VR) technology. VR is still in its infancy where serious gaming is concerned, and you can be sure by the time 2019 rolls around, VR technology should have grown by leaps and bounds in order to make it a solid VR experience for the masses.

Other rumors point to Bethesda introducing guilds in the game. This should be a no-brainer if it happens, since many gaming titles do rely on the strength of the gaming community via clans, teams and guilds in order to keep the game’s staying power going on. Should guilds be part of The Elder Scrolls 6 right out of the proverbial box, then it would certainly snag its fair share of new audience -- especially those who like to get their gaming kicks in without having to go solo.

Another possible avenue that Bethesda might explore would be the introduction of mobile versions of the console game. Could we see an Elder Scrolls 6 that will be able to be played on smartphones and phablets, while other members of the same guild enjoy the title or quest on a desktop machine? Only time will tell, but it would take some special kind of programming magic to get this to happen. While smartphones have certainly grown by leaps and bounds in terms of raw processing power and graphical ability, they are still unable to handle the kind of workload that desktop games require. The battery drain should also be taken into consideration when one plays with such a diverse title. Having The Elder Scrolls 6 playable on a smartphone will also ensure a widening of the gaming demographic.

What will The Elder Scrolls 6 bring to the table? It might expand upon the origin of Alduin and the dragons that attacked Skyrim. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim was set a couple of centuries after Oblivion, and it would be the right time to explore those historical moments before Skyrim in order to enjoy the game’s back story further.

The 2019 release date for Elder Scrolls 6 is still a long way off, and there is ample time to build up the anticipation before the title arrives. Will we see another “”arrow to the knee” equivalent meme kick off with The Elder Scrolls 6 from Bethesda?