Canada's Police Issues Positive Tickets to Encourage Good Behaviors, Building Relationship with Community

Nov 07, 2016 11:19 AM EST

Due to recent events around this country, it would be understandable for a child to be fearful of the police. Perhaps they have seen riots on the television or overheard adults talking and have come to believe that the police are a bad lot. Fearing leadership is not something any parent should want for their child.

In Nanaimo, Canada, the police are battling negative stereotypes of law enforcement and encouraging children with positivity tickets. The program was started in 2002 by Ward Clapham, a 28 year veteran of the Canadian Mounted Police. The idea behind the program was to encourage children to behave well and follow the rules laid out by society. This program also encourages the officers to remember to forge relationships within Nanaimo, not just enforce laws.

The officers give children paper tickets to recognize being a good friend, following laws, positive behavior, and being respectful. The Nanaimo police are very proud of this program because it is enforcing positive behavior among children and encouraging relationships between the law enforcement and the citizens of this area.

Since 2002, the program has given out more than 2,000 positivity tickets to children. On top of encouraging positive behaviors, the tickets encourage children who might not get praise for good grades or a bright attitude at home.

This program proves that having a positive attitude really can affect your community. Now, if only American officers would take a page out of Canada's book, perhaps we would see an improvement in our neighborhoods as well.

For more information about Positive Tickets, visit their website here