From a five-person tent to the world’s largest Christian church, Yoido Full Gospel Church, the late Pastor David Yonggi Cho’s life was committed to world mission, church revitalization, and practicing love to the poor and vulnerable. He has been and is the spiritual mentor of many pastors.
The memorial service, called “Pastor Yonggi Cho Thanksgiving and Commemorative Retreat”, is organized by the Association of Disciples of Pastor Yonggi Zhao and will be held at Top Church’s Mehas Complex Hall on the evening of September 13, as reported by Christian Daily Taiwan’s.
Minji Cho, Pastor Yonggi’s son and current president of the Kikmin Daily, said in his address at the service that every year this time around he misses his father greatly. He recalled how his father always called on the Holy Spirit to be with him before stepping up to the pulpit. He testifies that the secret to his father’s success is that he always walked with the Spirit. Mr. Minji encouraged everyone to likewise rely on the Holy Spirit, this is how they can live powerful lives in an uncertain future.
Rev. Maosong Chang, founding pastor of Top Church, shared from 1 Timothy 3:14 and 2 Timothy 3:10-11 during the service. He thanked God for bringing Pastor Yonggi to this world. When he previously encountered difficulties in ministering, someone advised him to visit Pastor Yonggi. He went reluctantly but then experienced a great transformation in his life when they met. He saw the overflowing faith and spiritual authority in Pastor Yonggi, which inspired him to dream big and proclaim God’s promises.

New Life Church’s Rev. Abraham Gu (顾其芸) gave the benediction, praying that the Holy Spirit’s passion, anointing, and commission which drove Pastor Yonggi may multiply and be with the congregation, that they may establish apostolic churches, calling all nations to become the Lord’s disciples (source: Christian Daily Taiwan).
Located in Seoul, South Korea, Yoido Full Gospel Church was cofounded by Pastor David Yonggi Cho on September 14, 2021, at the age of 85. The Yoido Full Gospel Church is said to have over 800,000 members.
Born into a Buddhist family, Pastor Yonggi became a Christian through a friend of his sister who introduced him to the faith. Later in Busan, he met missionary Kenneth Tice from the Assemblies of God and started coworking with him. This enabled Pastor Yonggi to study at the Full Gospel Theological Seminary in September 1956, when he was 20.
After graduating in 1958, Pastor Yonggi established Yoido’s precursor in the Northwest part of Seoul, called the Tent Church. The small home gathering would eventually develop into the globally influential megachurch today.
Although many have spoken highly of Pastor Yonggi in his ministry, he wasn’t without controversy.
According to the Yohap News Agency, Pastor Yonggi was found guilty by the South Korean court of a breach of trust and bribery, resulting in a loss of $12 million from the church. He was then sentenced to three years in prison, five years of probation, and a $4.7 million fine.