The Global Day of Prayer lands on the Pentecost Sunday, May 15, 2005, where the greater fullness of Christ's life and the glory of His church and the needs of each city and each nations will be the topics of prayer. Around the world, more than 200 million Christians will gather on this historic day.
Initiated by the International Prayer Council (IPC), Jericho Walls International and Transformation Africa, the Global Day of Prayer has the objective of building prayer network in between the continents, which will allow believers in each nation to pray together for a total of 10 consecutive days starting from May 6 till May 15, The Global Day of Prayer.
Last month in April, IPC has received supports from over 150 countries and cities. In Unites States, prayers will be held in hundreds of churches in all 50 states.
The main prayer topics will focus on the need for changes to occur in social problems of each nation such as murder, families in crisis, and in poverty and in crime.
The Global Day of Prayer are separated into three parts; first, 10 days prayer from 6th to 15th of May; second, overnight prayer meeting on 14th of May for teenagers; third, there will be 12 five minutes prayers centered to praise God, purity, church, support, world, wars, suffering, teenagers, conciliation and worship.
For venue, please visit and for further information. If you are unable to attend The Global Day of Prayer, please visit for information on teleconference.