24th Annual New York Christian Bible Conference Concluded

From June 9 – 12, Rev. Lawrence Fung, the Senior Pastor of Cumberland Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, led the 24th New York Christian Bible Conference. He was invited by the organizer, Oversea C

From June 9 – 12, Rev. Lawrence Fung, the Senior Pastor of Cumberland Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, led the 24th New York Christian Bible Conference. He was invited by the organizer, Oversea Chinese Mission.

The theme of the Bible conference of this year is “The Renewed Communion from the Book Ephesian”. During five letures in four days, Rev. Fung explained the whole book of Ephesian, under the topics “Changing the Base of Life”, “Removing the Obstructs in Communion”, “Experiencing the Amazing Love of God”, “Choosing the Divine Life” and “The Community of Spiritual Battles”. In every lecture, more than 500 believers attended.

Rev. Fung said that “the only fruit of the Holy Spirit is love”. He cited the Bible verses in English and Greek and explained that there’s only one fruit of the Holy Spirit – “the fruit of the Holy Spirit”. He encouraged believers to bear the fruit of love, really change and communicate through the power of God.

The New York Christian Bible Conference started from 1980 by Oversea Chinese Mission. It has been held once a year in summer except in 1986 and 1987. Many renowned Chinese pastors, including Rev. Stephen Chiu, Elder Yung Wu, Rev. Stephen Tong, Rev. Paul Shaw etc., have been invited as the main speakers in the conference.

The whole process of this 24th Bible conference was recorded by OCM, and the tapes and videos will be finished in two weeks for believers to meditate more on the messages.