900 Christian Conservatives Set to Join Rally for Ten Commandments in Texas

The rally will “strengthen and mold God's people of all faiths into a battalion of voters who uphold the free acknowledgment of God as the source of our law traditions in America.”

DALLAS, TX -- Some 900 Christian conservatives registered to rally for the Ten Commandments Texas Revival Rally slated for the Dallas Convention Center, April 3. The event is prescribed to be the first step on the path to a National Ten Commandment Rally, tentatively scheduled for Oct. 15 in Washington D.C.

According to the Dallas event’s chairwoman and coordinator Dianna Molix, the mission of the Rally is to let believers in ‘biblical orthodoxy’ to "wake up, stand up and speak up for God in America.”

While the rally is generally aimed at people of the Judeo-Christian background who feel their views are being undermined by the hostile culture, Molix said it is still open to all Americans who wish to protect the true heritage of the nation.

"All liberty is at stake when any liberty is threatened," said Molix. "The Ten Commandments provide the basic principles for a civil society and form a universal declaration of how people interact with honor toward each other."

According to the event’s website, the Rally will serve to “strengthen and mold God's people of all faiths into a battalion of voters who uphold the free acknowledgment of God as the source of our law traditions in America.”

The keynote speaker for the event is Roy Moore of Alabama – the former Alabama justice who sparked the national debate on the issue last year by refusing to take down a two-ton Ten Commandments monument from the State Supreme Court rotunda. In November, Moore was ousted from office by Alabama’s judicial ethics panel for his direct defiance of the law.

Moore was both criticized and celebrated by Christians for his action – some chided him for refusing to abide by the law, others encouraged him to remain steadfastly devoted to protecting the Judeo-Christian heritage. At any rate, the Texas event will give attendees a chance to speak to the controversial figure over dinner. The dinner and reception with Moore cost $150 each.

Supporting the event at a larger scale is the Christian radio station of the American Family Association, Waco’s KBDE 89.9 FM. According to worker Bill Thrasher, Gary Heavin of Curves International has purchased a large block of tickets for KBDE to give away, and people can call the station as late as Thursday at (866) 228-1900 for free tickets to the rally. Several area churches have reserved 50-60-seat blocks of tickets for their use.

"Our station is involved in the opening ceremonies," Thrasher said.

Focus on the Family is sending someone to read a letter from James Dobson; and Tim Wildmon of American Family Association will also deliver a brief address.

According to Molix, the rally will have attendees from Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and 12 other states. The event, therefore, is vital in strengthening the future National rally.

"If this one is successful, it will help us carry the momentum into other states," Molix said. "I hope a lot of people come out so they know that Texans are standing for God and with Judge Moore."