America Observes Memorial Day

As he observes Memorial Day today, President Bush is expected to say more sacrifices may be needed in Iraq. At Arlington National Cemetery, Bush will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

As he observes Memorial Day today, President Bush is expected to say more sacrifices may be needed in Iraq. At Arlington National Cemetery, Bush will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

Bush is also signing a bill this morning that bars protesters from some military funerals.

Americans around the country will be attending parades and ceremonies today that will honor the nation's war dead.

Other Memorial Day traditions include barbecues and beaches. Hot and humid conditions are expected in many areas, with temperatures reaching the 90's along the East Coast.

Yesterday there were ceremonies in advance of the holiday.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg marched in a parade in Queens with veterans and current military personnel.

In Minnesota, there was a 21-gun salute and the playing of taps at Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis. Today, women veterans will be honored at Fort Snelling.

And in New Orleans, parts of the Chalmette National Cemetery reopened yesterday to pay tribute to veterans who lost their lives while serving the country. The cemetery had been closed since Hurricane Katrina hit last August.

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