Amity Celebrates Anniversary for 20 Years of Service in China

By Christina Song

This year, China’s Amity Foundation celebrates its 20th anniversary. To commemorate this, Amity Foundation will arrange charity tours from October through November. Supporters of Amity from all over the world will have the opportunity to visit various places through its charity program.

Amity Foundation hopes that through this program more people may come to know Amity’s work better, and at the same time promoting fellowship among Amity members.

Established in April 1985, Amity Foundation was founded by a group of Chinese Christians. For the past twenty years Amity have assisted in China’s medical sanitation, education, social welfare, and agricultural development. Also Amity have encouraged local Christians to participate in social development. This November, Amity Foundation will participate in Chinese government’s first co-sponsored charity conference with non-governmental organizations. Amity will co-sponsor in the NGO discussion, charity work exhibition, and charity night during the conference. The donations gathered during the charity night will be distributed to the China Charity, Amity Foundation, and other charity groups to provide aids to orphans.

Amity Foundation and World Bible Society opened China’s only government-approved Christian literature printing company called “Amity Printing Company Limited.” They publish over 4 million Bibles each year.

The charity tour sponsored by Amity Foundation will featured in four provinces: Guizhou, Ninxia, Shichuan, and Yunnan. During the trip, participants will monitor education, work on disaster relief, visit students and their families who require assistance. In addition, Amity Foundation plans to publish a 20th anniversary special edition magazine, and from November 6-9 to hold International Social Development Conference at its headquarters in Nanjing.