CCC Briefing for 400 Missionaries Begins

Campus Crusade for Christ missionaries who will be dispatched on short-term international mission assignments by early September all gathered in Colorado yesterday for the first day of briefing.

A group of 400 missionaries from the United States, most of them recent college graduates, will be attending the weeklong briefing Aug. 17-23 before being dispatched for one year on STINTs – an acronym for Short Term International mission assignments.

With the help of partnerships with 350 international campuses through CCC's Worldwide Student Network, missionaries will be ministering to college students in 27 countries on 6 continents, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Australia, Asia, Italy, France, Spain, United Kingdom, Japan, and Russia, among others.

Once there, they will be working alongside their team members to set up a new ministry. Although many will only be in their destination for one year, they will focus on evangelizing and then training a national student who will be able to lead the planted ministry.

International Campus Staff, who serve for three to five years or longer, will also be co-working with STINT missionaries in some locations. Through the U.S. Campus Ministry, both groups have contributed to the pioneering of ministries on 205 universities around the world.