Christian Aid against AIDS

Christian relief agencies assist those infected with AIDS in Swaziland. Busi Dlanini (BOO-see lah-NEE-nee) ), Trans World Radio’s Regional coordinator for youth and AIDS programming says they’re responding with the Gospel. “The main problem is that the structures that young people have relied on all along to sustain them are falling apart, and there’s no other supports that young people are getting to get them strengthened and empowered to continue with life.” Mfana Simelane (m’FAHna si-mi-LAH-na) is a Trans World Radio producer for the youth program “Climbing Higher”. He describes their goal and work as a partnership. “The churches have done their part, but, what we have discovered as youth program producers is, churches don’t address the concerns of young people. They just preach the Word, and that’s it. But, then we are addressing the questions that they have day in and day out,[and] so are building up stewards for the Lord. “

By Pauline J.