Convey of Hope Doubles Outreach, Serves 1 Million per Year

Convoy of Hope, a partner ministry of the Assemblies of God (A/G) that serves the poor worldwide, doubled its outreach in a matter of one year, the A/G reported on March 24. In the year 2003, the non-profit service group ministered to 1,016,000, compared to the 572,434 reached in 2002.

"We reached this one-million-served goal through disaster relief around the world, through our outreaches in the United States and through supply lines to missionaries," said Bob Houlihan, Convoy of Hope executive director in Springfield, Missouri.

The Convoy of Hope provides disaster relief by building supply lines, distributing free groceries, health screenings, dental work, haircuts, school supplies and job information while children play carnival-like games. Since it’s inception, in 1994, the Convoy has served nearly 4 million guests – the three million mark was reached last year in Macedonia. Additionally, the ministry has sent food, medical supplies, blankets and water purification systems, along with a gospel message, to 57 countries.

Each of the guests hears a brief gospel message; to date, 169,761 people have made salvation decisions at the Convoy events and received follow-up visits from local church members.

The Convoy’s 2004 goals include increasing supply lines to missionaries, expanding volunteer networks and partnering with Christian churches and organizations overseas. There are currently outreaches planned in 19 U.S. cities and 10 foreign countries, including Romania, Panama, Mexico, Venezuela, Albania, Scotland and Portugal.