Creator's Voice First "Christian Chinese Song Composition Contest" in New York

Founder Alice Tam: We need to make a foundation which the culture of Christ may flow; God wants us to be his voice in this era of darkness.

The Creator's Voice hosted its first "Christian Chinese Song Composition Contest," on July 30th at New York's Pace University Michael Schimmel Center of the Arts. From across the nation and worldwide, the contenders went on stage one by one and performed their music compositions. The judges and the audience decided the 5 top awards as the night progressed.

Over 300 seated the ballroom from top to bottom floors; eighteen contenders performed their compositions. The music pieces, whether it is the composition, the lyrics, the performance, the sound effects, or the presiding was at the top notch. This was the first event of this size hosted by Creator's Voice, why did they prepare to such high level quality for this event? The event host replied, "Christians must go beyond the walls of the church and into the society, and allow the society to see our image as Christians. We have God as our shield. We not only have high quality pieces, but we should have quality that excels."

The famous Chinese pianist Mr. Yu Zhi Liang was the guest of the performance. Before his performance, he shared to the audience one of his past experience. While he was young, he participated in a music contest. At first he thought he would win, but he did not. Later he prayed and thought about the happening, and finally God gave him the reason why he lost the contest: "First, God wants me to humble myself; second, he wants to teach me patience." After three years of waiting for his second chance, finally Korea's largest record company signed a contract with him and helped him to come out with his first album. He wrote down this experience into a song called "Prayer," and wish that the song would encourage contestants not to look at the present success or failure, but to believe in God's guidance and receive the lessons of faith in the different experiences of life.

At the end of the night, the award was given in the following order:

Best lyrics: "Love Him/Her" m·R¥L/¦on

Best song: "Set this Life Ablaze" mUN³o¥Í©Rn

Best musician: Sister Zhang Shi Ying, composer and performer for "Set this Life Ablaze" mUN³o¥Í©Rn

Best music group: "Crystal Tears"

Golden Music Award: "The Answer" mµª®×n

To the Creator's Voice founder and president Alice Tam, the success of the contest was like dream come true. §Having this type of success, I have to give my thanks to everyone.¨ After the contest, she said to the reporters, §The cultures of the world has contents that are inappropriate for Christians, on the other hand, church music might not have high quality level. I know that in church there are many youths who make their own praise music; God really blessed them a lot. If someone helps them, they can progress faster. God has allowed me to work in media for over 10 years, and today He gave me the chance to help them. This is my responsibility, and also my pleasure.¨

Lastly, she commented, "Also, we need to make a foundation which the culture of Christ may flow; God wants us to be his voice in this era of darkness."