David Crowder Band Appears at Emergent YS Convention in Nashville

Band and seminar brings together old and new ways of Christian culture.

The David Crowder Band performed last week at the ‘EmergentYS Convention’ in Nashville Convention Center, a gathering where leading Christian pastors, authors and figures meet together in discussion and exchange of ideas regarding modern trends the lives of Christians in the modern era. The annual convention presented material of innovative ways, also revisiting old methods, of outreach in proclaiming the Gospel.

Crowder’s Band put on an energetic performance, including versions of songs that range from classical to contemporary genres, such as the centuries-old Scottish hymn Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Christian classics ‘Amazing Grace’ and ‘All Creatures of Our God and King.’

These are 10 examples of seminar topics led by national experts:

• Hastening toward the third century: Our New Yearning for Old Disciplines, with Phyllis Tickle, a writer who lives near Memphis and has written dozens of books on religion and spirituality.

• Life at the foot of the mountain: Connecting personal faith with social justice, prayer with peacemaking, contemplation with action, with Jim Wallis, founder of the magazine Sojourners and a commentator on ethics in public life.

• Developing a church that engages the multi-ethnic and post-modern reality, with Efrem Smith, pastor of The Sanctuary Covenant Church in Minneapolis.

• This is my truth, tell me yours, with Dave Tomlinson, vicar of Saint Luke's Anglican Church in North London. He's author of the book, The New Evangelical.

• Uncovering the sacred: exploring the sacred in popular culture, with Chris Seay, pastor of an innovative Houston congregation called Ecclesia. He's author of several books, including The Gospel According to Tony Soprano, The Tao of Enron, and The Gospel Reloaded: Exploring Spirituality and Faith in the Matrix.

• The question every woman asks and why you will never have the answer, with Angela Thomas, a Nashville author of several books including Do you Think I'm Beautiful?

• The great omission from the great commission and how to fix it, with Dallas Willard, a philosophy professor at the University of Southern California. The great commission? Jesus said to make disciples and baptize them. The great omission? He also said to teach them ''to obey everything I commanded.''

• Struggling with the gay issue, with Tony Campolo, author of several books and also a counselor to President Bill Clinton.

• Creating multi-sensory worship services and experiences, with Dan Kimball, author of the seminal books Emerging Worship and The Emerging Church.

• Flowing with the spirit, with John Ortberg, a pastor at a Presbyterian church in Menlo Park, Calif. He's written several books, including Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them and The Life You've Always Wanted.