Evanescence Comments Artist Styles on MTV

Amy Lee, lead singer, shares interest in possible active career.

Evanescence lead singer Amy Lee appears on a recent MTV interview and talks about the message behind her band's latest video, "Everybody's Fool,” commenting upon mass cultural themes and advertising media.

In the video clip, the lead singer plays different roles accustoming various costumes as she poses as a commercial supermodel pitching products for various advertisements. The product for which she poses is metaphorically called "Lies."

"That whole life is a lie," Lee said. "Every smile, that's a lie. It's kind of about exposing that it's fake," she said. "And the video's more along the lines of exposing the real behind-the-scenes [lives] of some of these people. It's basically showing the glamorous lifestyle and the depressed, selfish misery behind it."

In her talks with MTV, Amy also mentions her interest in acting for future screen productions following up her music video shootout.

Currently this month, Evanescence is wrapping up a European tour and will return for an extensive North American vacation beginning July 7 in Vancouver.