Gospel spreading like wildfire in Kashmir

More than 15,000 have converted in the past four months, as whole villages are turning to the gospel

An unprecedented Christian revival is breaking out in Kashmir, the war-ravaged area between India and Pakistan. The Indian-held part of Kashmir has been the battleground for a Pakistani-backed Islamic insurrection since 1989, and tens of thousands of people have been killed.

Many people in the interior region of Kashmir are becoming followers of Jesus Christ, according to news source. More than 15,000 have converted in the past four months, as whole villages are turning to the gospel, according to Pastor Santosh. He and a team of evangelists and missionaries have traveled across Kashmir preaching for 30 years.

Hindus and Muslims are seeking out Christians for prayer in remote villages, Christian Today (India) reported. "Many of them are hungry for peace and are searching for something to believe in," said Yacub, a pastor in the town of Doda. "Others are seeking physical healing. Many of them are being healed in the name of Jesus and that is bearing a great witness."

Christians in Kashmir are often intimidated by Muslims and cannot worship openly, CTI reported. "They have been threatened by the terrorists and the militants," Santosh said. Three months ago, missionary families were dragged out of their homes and beaten, he said. "Many of these terrorists have gone and killed some of the Christian people.

"You have only two options. Either you preach the good news and face whatever opposition comes, or ... you stop preaching the Word of God and leave the area and locality and compromise with the people and with other religions," Santosh said. "We are going to preach."