HCJB World Radio Broadcasts 23 Languages, IMB Faces Evangelistic Problems

The World By Radio partnership, the world's first missionary broadcast oganization continues its outreach to the world's mega languages with the Gospel.

HCJB World Radio Vice Presidnet of Operations Tom Narwold said, "We have identified 372, what we call, mega-languages - languages that have over one-million speakers. HCJB World Radio had 23 of those languages assigned and right now we're looking at finishing off the last two, so for us it's a real milestone. The last two that we had to get on the air were Kituba. That's a language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo. And, Chechen, a language spoken in Chechnya, Russia. So, we're hoping within the next six months these languages will be on the air."

HCJB continues developing work on at least 10 other languages.

The International Mission Board faces an unusual problem in their evangelism. While the threat of terrorist attacks and violence have caused a drop in volunteers in many other missions groups, the IMB havs too many missionaries wanting to go to the field. The IMB had recently allocated additional funds to cover the costs of more voluntary members heading out to the field. IMB member Avery Willis believes God is at work within this growth.

By Pauline C.