IBS Provides Spiritual Aid to Cyclone Victims

By Ecumenical Press

Beginning June 15, International Bible Society (IBS) will bring a message of hope through Scripture to Brazilians affected by Cyclone Catarina. The cyclones began on March 28, hitting 39 cities in the state of Santa Catarina and the northern part of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. These areas were battered by high winds and heavy rains that killed 13 people, destroyed up to 100 homes, and left thousands of families homeless. Approximately 2 million people were affected by the storm, which caused more than $300 million in damages.

IBS, working with Campus Crusade for Christ and local churches, will distribute 16,600 Scriptures to people impacted by the cyclone. IBS-Brazil Marketing and Program Director, Mario Barbosa, is leading the Scripture distribution efforts.

“The Scriptures will bring God’s loving comfort to Brazil at a time when it has endured so many hardships due to Cyclone Catarina,” Barbosa said. “Hundreds of people have lost their homes, and many other homes are damaged. It is so important to bring these people the hope of Jesus when they are facing such great devastation.”

Those coordinating the outreach with Barbosa include Paulo Solonca, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Florianopolis, and Zaqueu Laus Bandeira, pastor and Campus Crusade for Christ’s Regional Director for southern Brazil. Bandeira is also coordinator for the Jesus Film Project. Campus Crusade will offer repeated showings of the Jesus film, and IBS Scripture resources will be distributed after the screenings.

Along with 13,000 IBS Portuguese New Testaments and Gospels of John, 3,600 copies of The True Seeker and What Matters booklets, in Portuguese, will also be distributed to disaster victims. The True Seeker, a Scripture evangelism booklet for outreach to spiritual seekers, gives the reader an opportunity to become a follower of the True Seeker—Jesus Christ. What Matters presents the gospel in a format that shares how much individuals really do matter—especially to God.

The $15,620 cost of the Scriptures and distribution will be offset by IBS’ Emergency Scripture Fund. Individuals wishing to donate to IBS’ ongoing Emergency Scripture Fund may do so by calling toll-free 1-800-987-3595, or by visiting www.IBSMinistry.org/disasterfund. For general information about IBS, please visit www.IBS.org.