'Jean Bible' Debuts at Book Exhibition in Taiwan

At the Thirteenth Taipei International Book Exhibition on Feb 15, "Jean Bibles" take the spotlight.

On February 15, the Taiwan Bible Society (TBS) introduced new "Jean Bibles" at the 2005 Taipei International Book Exhibition.

Each of these unique Bibles are covered in the same material used to make jeans. This new design, TBS said, was an attempt to make Bible more fashionable amongst the youth.

The inspiration for making the new "Jean Bible" came during a trip to South Korea last year. May 2004, Reverend Junming Lai, the general director of TBS, and Presbyter Shimin Lai, the associate general director of TBS noticed Bibles with jean-bindings being sold in Christian bookstores all over South Korea.

Realizing that many young people were attracted to the flashy-design, the two came up with the idea for creating jean-covered Bibles.

After returning to Taiwan, they started work on their newfound project. First, they researched information about jeans, and ways to acquire enough material for manufacture. Next, they shared their vision with Christian leaders from various denominations.

In October 2004, in a youth evangelism gathering in Taipei, more than 1,100 new copies of the "Jean Bibles" were handed out to young Christians from fifty-seven churches.

This year, at the International Book Exhibition, the "Jean Bible," alongside the illustrated Bible, is the most popular product produced by the TBS.

Ministry workers at TBS said,"the content of Bible never changes. So if we can make different covers for Christians of different ages, it would be really nice."