In a recovery doctors are calling nothing short of a miracle, an Argentinian woman whose baby was delivered while she was in a coma woke up and held her three-month-old son for the first time.
Fox News shares the story of Amelia Bannan, a police officer who was nearly six months pregnant when a car driven by her partner slid off the road. While the four other officers in the car walked away uninjured, Amelia was left with a skull fracture that resulted in a blood clot in her brain.
As she lay comatose in a hospital bed, the 34-year-old gave birth to a healthy baby boy on Christmas day, named Santino -- "little saint".
The following months, Amelia's sister Norma "took care of Santino. And every day at 6 pm, she brought the baby to Amelia," said her brother, Cesar. Her family also visited every day, regularly, talking to her and giving her time with her little boy.
During the first part of 2017, Amelia moved sometimes and made signs of waking up. Four months later, she slowly slipped out of the coma: "That day we heard there in the silence, while we were giving Santino the bottle, we heard a low voice, we heard 'yes', 'yes'," Cesar recalled.
"To corroborate if she was listening to me, I told her, 'Amelia, if you understand me, stick out your tongue.' And she stuck out her tongue."
He added, "It was a total revolution. Norma lay on Amelia's body, embraced her, and wept tears of joy. It revolutionized our hearts."
When Amelia regained consciousness, her sister brought Santino to her. At first, she thought the baby was her nephew - and was shocked when her family told her the joyful news.
The young mother began to remember what happened to her. At first speaking in a confused manner, she eventually made herself understood, her brother said.
"The doctors said that Amelia has defied all scientific logic, that her case is truly a miracle," said Cesar, who is also a cop.
Amelia is improving quickly and is already regaining the ability to walk: "At first she only said 'yes' and 'no', now she is managing to answer questions and understand commands," her doctor told El Pais.
Neurosurgeon Marcelo Ferreira, who is treating her, said Amelia continues to surprise him - and expressed hope that she will be able to watch her little boy grow to adulthood.
"Amelia is young, and despite the traumatic brain injury she suffered, she is surprising us," he said. "She still has a lot to give. She needs time, and everyone needs to be patient."
He added, "We hope that at some point, we will be able to see her walking holding her son's hand."