Recovering Missionary in Stable Condition

DALLAS —The International Missions Board announced that Carrie McDonnall, the only missionary who survived the drive-by attack in Iraq that killed four others last week, is likely to recover, March 22, 2004.

According to the IMB, Carrie, who arrived Saturday evening at a Dallas-area hospital from Germany, is in stable condition after her 12-hour flight.

Carrie received wounds in the chest, face and all four limbs in the attack that killed her husband, David, and three other co-workers. The bones that were shattered in her right arm and leg have been aligned and are healing. Her facial injuries also do not appear to require reconstructive surgery.

The report also states that though McDonnall lost most of her three fingers on her left hand, her thumb and middle finger are intact, allowing her a functional hand; thankfully, she is right handed. Other wounds are healing as well.

Her family members are now able to visit Carrie, who has been responding to their presence.