Remembering the Church in Sudan

The Secretary General of the Anglican Communion called on the leaders of the 77-million member denomination to remember those dying and suffering in Sudan in a statement released on May 27, 2004.

“The people of the Episcopal Church of the Sudan are in the thoughts and prayers of Anglicans around the world as, once again, they face the reality of fear and persecution after the action of the Sudanese government on 20 May at the Church’s headquarters in Khartoum,” the Rev. Canon John L. Peterson wrote.

“Archbishops, bishops, clergy and faithful Anglicans are expressing their concern and solidarity with the Sudanese people following the latest of these incidents,” Peterson Continued.

Peterson also asked the members of the Communion to remember the church in Sudan in public services on May 30.

“As the Anglican Cycle of Prayer reminds us of our need for communication I ask churches everywhere, on the great Feast of Pentecost, to remember the Church in the Sudan in public services on 30 May,” he wrote.

The following is the text of the Anglican Prayer:

God of peace, preserve us in peace.

Bring peoples and nations into your fold,

that walking in the ways of justice and peace,

they may learn to honour the gifts of your creation.

God of compassion,

be with those whose lives are broken

by conflict and oppression.

Hold in your care and protection at this hour

the peoples of the SUDAN:

strengthen them in their tribulation

and embrace them with your saving love.

Empower us with your Holy Spirit,

that we may tell their story with boldness

and witness to your reconciling love;

that lives may be transformed

and all peoples live justly and walk humbly

before you, our God.