SBC Board, Seminary, Council Nominees Named

In preparation for the upcoming meeting in Indianapolis, the Southern Baptist Convention announced the nominees to serve on the SBC’s Executive Committee, the four denominational boards -- International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, LifeWay Christian Resources and Annuity Board -- the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, the six seminaries, the Committee on Order of Business, and Committee on Committees.

The members of the Committee on Committees will only be serving at that annual meeting, while the others will serve for a term of up to 4 years. The election for all of the positions will take place at the SBC meeting on June 15-16.

The Committee on Committees was announced 45 days in advance of the meeting, in accordance with the SBC Bylaw 19. The outgoing SBC president, Jack Graham, announced the appointments: 70 in total.

The executive committee members will serve terms that will expire in 2008. There were 21 nominations considered, with 12 new members and 9 renominations.

Of forty five Annuity Board member seats available, 10 nominations were considered: 6 new and 4 renominations. The terms will expire in 2008.

There were 22 nominations considered: 10 new members and 12 renominations to the International Mission Board – the International mission wing of the SBC. The elected officials will serve terms that expire in 2008. Several others were nominated for terms that expire in 2005.

For the North American Mission Board, there were 15 nominations considered; 4 new members; 11 renominations. The elected officials will serve terms that vary in length. The terms vary from 1 to 4 years in length.

There were 12 nominations considered for the Lifeway Christian Resources; 5 new members; 7 renominations. All the terms are set to expire in 2008.

Southern Seminary considered 9 nominations with terms to expire in 2009; 3 new members; 6 renominations. Southwestern Seminary had 8 nominations with terms ending in 2009; 6 new members; 2 renominations. New Orleans Seminary considered 7 nominations; 3 new members; 4 renominations, with terms that will expire in 2009. South Eastern Seminary considered 6 nominations that will also last for 5 years. MidWestern Seminary considered 8 nominations; 5 new members; 3 renominations. Golden Gate Baptist Seminary also considered 8 nominations that will serve terms ending in 2009.

For the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, 8 nominations were considered; considered; 4 new members; 4 renominations. All seats will expire in 2008.

For the Committee on Order of Business, there were 2 nominations considere; 2 new members 1 nomination for chairman. The terms will expire in 2007.

For specific names and titles, please visit the SBC newsroom: