SBC President Leaves on Nationwide 1-Million Evangelism Bus Trip

Southern Baptist Convention President Bobby Welch on Sunday, Aug. 29, left on his cross-country bus tour with a five member staff. The long awaited tour will promote the “1-million baptism” goal of the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest denomination in the U.S.

Welch will be traveling to all 50 states and Canada, and will visit pastors and denominational workers of all sizes, to urge them to more diligently evangelize.

"Amazing is a good word to describe it," John Sullivan, Florida Baptist Convention executive director, said of the national tour moments before the bus pulled away from a throng of church members at First Daytona. "Bobby Welch has never done anything ordinary."

Meanwhile, a deacon at First Daytona Beach explained why so many people in the 4,200-member congregation is proud of their pastor.

"He's the right guy to be on the road," Redding said. "He's so determined and he's so motivated every day. To be on a bus for that many days going that far.... I've traveled a lot, and it's tough. He's going to make a big footprint out there,” said Michael Redding.