SBEM: Live Record of Lecture on Tsunami Released Today

Canada-based Chinese Christian broadcasting ministry releases new CD

Today, the Canadian-based worldwide Chinese Christian broadcasting ministry "Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry" released a CD recording lectures given by Dr. Daniel Wu on tsunami-related topics.

SBEM and Dr. Daniel Wu have been cooperating for a long time, now. Dr. Daniel Wu, a scientist and a devoted-Christian, has been invited many times by the SBEM to give lectures on science-related faith questions. After the tsunami disaster, SBEM and Dr. Wu cooperated again and held a special lecture entitled "The Hope in a Time of Suffering - the Declaration of Earthquakes and Tsunami".

The lecture guided believers to seek for the will of the creator God. Proceeds for CD-sales and donations were given to disaster-striken areas in South Asia.

The price for this CD is set at US$10. SBEM can be contacted at (416)321-9288.