Symposium On Biotechnology As Kingdom Tool

Manila - The pastor and elders of the Los Baos Presbyterian Church in the Philippines announced Sunday the launching of a community development project which aims to deliver science-based information about biotechnology and its beneficial products.

Los Baos Presbyterian Church believes that the benefits of biotechnology far outweighs its risks. In a statement, the group said that "in a world where the poor is being increasingly marginalized, Christians must shoulder the task of being in the forefront of the social responsibility of alleviating the condition of the destitute. We stand by the biblical principle of exercising the Good Samaritan faith and that towards this end available biotechnology presents an excellent tool to empower the poor."

The project is composed of two parts. Part one of the project would be the educational campaign whichs aims to deliver science-based information about biotechnology and its beneficial products. The one day activity is a symposium type followed by an open forum. Fifty individuals majority of which would be farmers coming from various churches to be invited to participate in the activity. Resource persons would be coming from the academe. The one-day activity would be replicated in various churches around the country.

Part two is a form of farmer’s field application the details of which would depend on the interest generated by the participants in the educational part of the project. On top of all these activities would be the paramount duty to evangelize unbelievers into the sovereign authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Funding and educational materials needed for the project would come from companies and non-profit institutions in the forefront of promoting biotechnology products in the country.

"It is our conviction that meaningful action result from well-informed decision. Therefore as a first step, it is of utmost importance to educate Christians on the fundamentals of biotechnology and its applications to our daily lives."

By Y.Hilado, Chtoday Philippines