Taylor Sorensen to Tour with Pura Vida Coffee

Taylor Sorenson, Rocketown's newest addition, is partnering with Pura Vida Coffee for a tour to promote his March 23rd debut of 'The Overflow', while speaking on behalf of the coffee company. During the tour, he will visit radio, retail, and other media venues, as well as several colleges to play concerts and speak. Songs from his debut will be performed, including the No. 1 radio hit single titled "Love Somebody Else," which topped the CRW Rock chart.

The partnership is because of Sorensen's interest in the Fair Trade movement and to his belief to put love into action. Pura Vida uses all of its resources to benefit at-risk children and their families in coffee-growing countries. The company is committed to carry only certified Fair Trade, organic, shade-grown coffee which helps to raise living standards for farmers and their communities and protect the environment.

"Taylor's is a voice of passion and truth...a great combination of artistic expression and straight ahead rock and roll attitude." —Steve Mason (Jars of Clay)

"This is my kinda rock ‘n’ roll, raw and basic with big beefy beats and hooks a plenty." —Music Row

“Ironically, soul is one of the prime elements missing from so much of the music Christians make. Not so with Taylor Sorensen. The Overflow oozes with soul and the sound of musicians making vital music for their time. This is a voice and a sound to share with the world.” —Charlie Peacock

"Sorensen’s material is best described as ‘reformed American rock with a European soul,’ socially and spiritually conscious, totally set apart from the pack." —Christian Music Planet

"When you can listen to a record 10 times and then get in your car and be excited to listen to it again, you know it is incredibly special. Taylor Sorensen's music is really fresh, and as someone who hears a lot of music, that's not a statement I can make very often. The Overflow has unbelievable potential to reach a vast number of people, in the Christian market and beyond." —Michael W. Smith

Sorensen will be playing songs from 'The Overflow' and speaking for Pura Vida at a dozen campuses across the Midwest, including Notre Dame, Bethel College, Loyola University, and many others. His hope is to spread the message of love through his music and this tour.