The Mexico-Texas Baptist Network

Three year partnership awaits approval

MEXICO CITY – Formal ties between the National Baptist Convention of Mexico and the Baptist General Convention of Texas were made during the NBCM’s annual conference in Mexico City, July 23. The partnership, slated until 2006, is expected to take into effect immediately.

The two conventions will share across the border resources and people as they outreach through evangelism efforts, church planting, missions, social ministries and leadership training.

"This is not just them asking and us sending, or vice versa," said Joe Bruce, projects director for BGCT partnerships. "It will be a free-flowing exchange of people and resources as we attempt to work together to minister in Christ's name in both Texas and Mexico."

According to Bruce, Mexico and Texas are linked in several ways, including culturally, historically, economically and religiously. The recent agreement is a recognition of what is already happening and a strategic attempt for missions and ministry.

The ministries shared by Texas Baptists with Baptists in Mexico will continue throughout the partnership. According to the director of the BGCT River Ministry Dexton Shores, the partnership will allow Texas churches to partner with churches in central Mexico and in the “unreached” regions in Mexico.

"There are regions in the interior of Mexico that have never received mission groups," Shores expanded.

Also, leaders expect the cooperative effort to augment the growth of the Mexican convention; it hopes to start 8,500 churches in the next 10 years. Currently there are about 1,500 churches in Mexico. Leaders also hope to start new churches in Texas, especially for Spanish-speaking groups.

The partnership, called the “Mexico-Texas Baptist Network” is awaiting approval by the BGCT executive board.