Thousand Drawn to Joint Church Southeast Gospel Conference

Chinese churches in the southeast region of the United States have joined together in a gospel conference as an effort of mass evangelism to reach out to people outside churches.

Chinese churches in the southeast region of the United States have joined together in a gospel conference as an effort of mass evangelism to reach out to people outside churches.

2006 is the 18th year that the Southeast Gospel Chinese Conference is held. Running from March 31 to April 2, a total of 947 adults from 32 churches or fellowships in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina and Mississippi have attended the event at the Shocco Springs Conference Center, Alabama.

According to the official figures released by the SE Gospel Chinese Conference, most of the participants aged from 31-49. Overall speaking, 41 percent of the attendants are non-Christians, thus it has proven to be an effective way for evangelism.

Rev. Ting W. Lee, founder and executive director of Christian Renewal Ministries, as well as Rev. Chang Chi Kwong from the Los Angeles-based Chinese Outreach, were invited as keynote speakers. In the three-day retreat, Lee shared the four messages "Receiving the Robe of Righteousness from Christ," "Entering the Gate of Fortune," "Gain the Light of Life," and "Walking on the Path to Eternal Life." Kwong also spoke on a series of messages - "Jesus is the Light of the World," "Jesus is the Bread of Life," and "Jesus is the Truth."

Apart from bible studies, the two speakers have shared their personal experiences with the congregation. Participants were also divided into groups to discuss and digest the messages so as to help the seekers solve their doubts in faith.

As the host of the conference, Atlanta Chinese Christian Church has sent its worship team to lead the praise and dancing. Over 100 people have dedicated themselves to Christ as the Conference closed.

Rev Chi from the Atlanta Chinese Christian Church said, "This Conference has been very successful, even though the schedule has been very tight, the brothers and sisters do not feel tired at all. They are so thirsty for the abundant grace from the messages."

Rev. Stephen Ho, chairman of the Southeast Gospel Chinese Conference preparatory committee, testified, "Before the Gospel Conference, many coworkers for churches and fellowships unite together to pray, that has allowed the Holy Spirit to work through the Conference. Through this Conference, not only the non-believers can come to know the gospel and receive Jesus Christ, but the believers can also deepen their faith and be strengthened to serve the church, preach the gospel and become the witness."