UN Envoy Repels China's Reluctance in Ratifying Human Rights Treaties

Nevertheless, Arbour's visit is proved quite successful. The Chinese government eventually signed an agreement with the UNCHR to collaborate on reforming China's legal system on Wednesday, the Assoc

The United Nation High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNCHR), Louise Arbour, has just finished her five-day visit to China on Friday. On a press briefing in Beijing yesterday, the top UN rights envoy rebuffed China's demand to deal with human rights "in its own way", according to the Associated Press.

"There is a framework of international standards that must be respected. It's not appropriate to say we're doing it in our own way," Arbour said on the last day of her trip in China, which aims to urge the Chinese government to ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

On Wednesday, Tang Jiaxuan, a state counselor and former foreign minister of China, made the following remark on the Asia-Pacific Human Rights Symposium in Beijing, "Every country should choose its own way to promote and protect human rights in line with its national conditions."

Tang also said there was no uniformed standard in regards to national human rights action plans, institutions or education.

Nevertheless, Arbour's visit is proved quite successful. The Chinese government eventually signed an agreement with the UNCHR to collaborate on reforming China's legal system on Wednesday, the Associated Press reported.

Arbour commented her visit had shown that China is "seriously" approaching the issue of ratifying the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is part of the seven principal international human rights treaties of the UN. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OUNCHR) shows that China has already ratified five treaties by June 2004.

The ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in China will be very significant, especially for improving the religious freedom in country.

Article 18-1 of the Covenant reads, "Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching."

The Chinese government is known for its restriction on religious and media freedom. Arbour pointed out that it was unclear if China would seek exemptions from granting democratic rights such as the freedoms of assembly and expression, even now it is approaching to ratify the Covenant.

"I will urge the government not to (make reservations) on these fundamental rights and freedoms," she stated.

In addition, Arbour is looking forward for more breakthroughs in the human rights record of China while she acknowledged that could be a long journey.

"During my discussions with Chinese officials it was often said to me that change had to be gradual," Arbour said. "While I do not disagree, I believe the stage is set for expecting more than modest progress in the coming years."

China show reluctance to fully ratify UN human rights treaties