Whoopi Goldberg's dislike (to put it lightly) for the Trump Administration is far from secret. Yet, some think that even she went too far in her most recent criticism of Vice-President Mike Pence. An interview with members of "The View" provoked remarks regarding the notorious Notre-Dame student walk-out during Pence's commencement speech.
Rather than decrying the disrespect of the students involved, Goldberg lauded the procession as "civil disobedience." Within, she paralleled the actions of the students with those of famous civil rights activists in the past---and, in the same breath, likened Pence to the white supremacist fanaticism of the Ku Klux Klan.
With astonishing blatancy, Goldberg compared Pence's conduct with the act of lynching:
"If there's a guy---if there's a man---because sometimes if you know what somebody has to say, you don't want to hear it. I don't---you know, I think most of these folks made a very specific decision because what he was about affects them in such ways that they don't want to hear it, because really if---you know, I shouldn't have to listen to a guy who's wearing a---you know, wearing a hood, who I know wants to string me up."
Another "View" member, Sonny Hostin, praised the graduates' action as "very American":
"It’s very American. It’s the bedrock of our society, the ability to get up and walk out and make these points. I mean, I went to Notre Dame and it’s a very conservative university, and in 2009 when Obama came conservatives were very upset and protested because of stem cell research. And so bottom line is this is something that’s a tradition for Notre Dame and I want my Notre Dame fellow members and graduates and alum to stand up for what they believe in. That’s what we should be doing."
If Whoopi Goldberg would review a bit of history, she would quickly discover that the entire ideology of the KKK is more in keeping with the liberal, rather than the conservative aspect, of today's politics. Indeed, the organization grew out of slave-supporting Democrat men who, while claiming a certain moral code, revealed a serious disregard for the life that their political opponents, the Republicans, originated with: that is, a staunch disapproval of slavery.
Today, the social liberals express a similar moral code which strongly includes a justification of oppression in the form of abortion. They succeed in detracting from their unethical behavior by scapegoating their opponents with their own personal guilt; such justification turns the "tolerant" into the "intolerant," creating a reputation repudiated only by a careful examination of the historical facts.
As Christians, we have always, historically been scapegoated. Such injustice is no excuse for vengeful conduct, but rather an opportunity for grace. A chance to judge less slowly, less harshly, and more fairly---complete with truth, fact, and, unlike Goldberg:
good reason.