The Terrible Injustice of Same-Sex ‘Marriage’: My Story

Apr 02, 2013 11:56 AM EDT

SAN DIEGO, CA, March 26, 2013 ( - I saw an “ALL love is equal!” graphic posted up and down my news feed on Facebook this morning. It’s designed to strike a chord with a person’s sense of justice and compassion, of course; quick and manipulative slogans are the fodder of politics – and fools. My liberal arts-educated mind kicked in immediately, screaming, “No it isn’t!” Deliberately disregarding the intended purpose of the graphic, I lectured my computer screen, “There are filial, agape, eros…”

But, more to the point, although love is most certainly a prerequisite for marriage (these days, at least), it certainly is not the only one. It is not enough. Marriage is life-giving. It is procreative. It involves children. Is it not more honorable to care for the wellbeing of children above the love – whatever love it might be – between adults? Does society not have a greater responsibility to uphold laws that protect children?

Though I write pieces on the marriage debate for, I don’t usually jump into the debate of my own volition. I live in the state of Prop 8 and in a culture that doesn’t value arguing as an avenue to discovering truth; instead, disagreement is a personal attack.

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