Diocese of Los Angeles Uses Ads to Fight Violence

Jan 08, 2003 12:42 PM EST

The Diocese of Los Angeles launched a series of 30-second ads on local television stations around Christmas to carry a message against violence--and to welcome people to the Episcopal Church.

The "Stop the Violence" campaign stemmed from the recent cross-country "Hands in Healing" trip taken by diocesan leaders and youth. The spots feature some of those youth speaking out for the prevention of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, gang activity, hate crimes and terrorism. The spots were prepared at the request of Bishop Jon Bruno by the diocesan communications office in partnership with Collage Digital Video of Glendale.

While recognizing that it was not possible to use cable television to provide complete coverage within the six-county region, the diocese made every effort to use its budget to purchase airtime for maximum effectiveness. In some cases it was possible, for example, to place the spots for as low as $50.

Other congregations and dioceses that might want to consider adapting the spots for local use should contact Bob Williams at the diocesan office of communication, tel. 213-482-2040, ext. 240 or at e-mail, media@ladiocese.org.

By Albert H. Lee