Spreading Hope and Love: Christian Organization Distributes Supplies to NY Homeless

Mar 01, 2004 10:17 AM EST

New York City – In a recent developments, the Here’s Life Inner City Organization have begun passing out “Homeless Care kits” all over New York City in hopes of spreading the love of God to the homeless. Each kit will contain a blanket, hat, gloves, scarf, thermal socks, hygiene kit, and, best of all, scripture from the Bible. Here’s Life hopes to distribute 7,000 kits by the end of this year through cooperation with local churches and inner-city organizations.

Like most major American cities, New York has an ever-increasing number of homeless. Every night in the “Big Apple”, no less than 38,000 homeless sleep in the streets – often hungry and without adequate clothing. “They lost all hope and just sort of give up,” says Gandy. Indeed for New York’s homeless, this is reality they face surviving daily in the harsh streets of the inner city. Nevertheless, Gandy added, “The reality is when it comes down to it, we’re saving lives.”

Despite this grim situation, many homeless find hope and joy in realizing the immense love of God’s community through the dedicated work of many individuals within the Here’s Life organization. According to Gandy, “Taking a kit like that, that has real value. And saying we love you, we want to interact with you, here’s something that we think you need. [Or perhaps] can we find you a shelter? It’s what Christ would do.”